800 euros
elearning: Independent-study materials, interactive divemaster-led lessons, diver safety and risk management and much more.
eLearning time commitment: 8-12 hours
Prerequisites: PADI Rescue Diver (or equivalent); completed Emergency First Response & secondat Care (or equivalent) within 24 months; min. 40 logged dives; Medically cleared for diving by a physician within 12 months.
Practical time commitment: Dependent on club activities and personal schedules.
Minimum age: 18 years (15 for Junior Divemaster)
Depth: Maximum allowed 40m
Course Information
PADI Divemaster is the most recognised and most desireable professional certification sort after around the world. You have now entered the professional world of Scuba divers.
By completion of the course you will be leading dive excursions and assisting diving instructors at all levels as an entry level professional. Lets not forget the abundant career opportunities with payment that you can now receive. You get paid to DIVE!.
The course includes.
Continuous knowledge development
Dive briefings and tours as a guide.
Assisting your instructors in all matters.
Role model to others
Professinal payment
Plan, brief & guide dives
Self manage your day